Forestia Game
Posted : admin On 09.10.2019Welcome to the island of FORESTIA, world of a thousand forest mysteries. FORESTIA is an island of the GAME FOR SCIENCE virtual world, where you will meet Kalikasan, a. FORESTIA – simulation game on sustainable forest management. You need the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. Do you want to download it now?
Forestia is a computer game that teaches kids about nature and exploring.The game features 9 different levels that need to be completed.
Forestia Game
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Description Forestia is an educational video game for children around nine years old, teaching them about European flora and fauna. When the player enters the forest, they are greeted by Sam the rabbit, who learns them about caring for a forest and about the basics of the game. Sam gives his camera, map and few other things to explore the forest and keep track of any animals, plants or mushrooms found. In total, the game features 19 birds, 22 mammals, 6 reptiles, and several kinds of fish and amphibians. Not all animals can be seen in every part of the forest, and not at every time of the day. For example, a badger can only be found in one part of the forest, and only during sunrise. All animals must be photographed.
The game also contains several different trees, mushrooms and flowers to pick and collect. There are several mini-games including painting pictures for Daddyoak, a talking tree and the 'grandfather' of the forest.