Vb 6.0 Programs With Source Code
Posted : admin On 16.09.2019Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a.zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
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FreeVbCode.Com is a code repository for free Visual Basic code and samples. Visual Basic examples and articles are freely available to download and review. FreeVbCode.Com is a code repository for free Visual Basic code and samples. Visual Basic examples and articles are freely available to download and review.
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This page contains a list of examples that is compatible with Visual Basic 5.0 and Visual Basic 6.0. Most of the examples are made by me, a few are from Microsoft, and a couple are from other developers. Most are in the zip format except for the Microsoft examples, which are in self-extracting.exe format. You may notice that compared to the previous site design, there were more downloads. The reason is because I took out the examples that were of earlier versions of the latest versions. So instead of listing Version 1, 2, 3. I took out version 1 and 2, but kept version 3.
This is a example to show how useful arrays can be making a calculator. Version 1.1 Update: This update will now clear a previous calculation instead of adding the pressed number to the calculated value. Example: IF you press 1 + 1 and then the = button, it will display 2. But before this update if you pressed another number it would add to the previous number.
Lets say you pressed 3, then it would read 23. This update fixes that problem and will start a fresh calculation before adding the pressed number. A simple Legacy(5.0/6.0) VB example of how to use the COMClass I made with VB 2005 to give the VB.COM(5.0/6.0) versions simple download capabilites by Interopting (Fusion) with the.NETFramework. The 2005 project and VB 5.0/6.0 Example of using the wrapper is included with this zip. Note: I forgot to mention that you will need to compile the VB 2005 project which will register the control as a COM object and then add a reference to its TLB file or Register the TLB File in the Registry.
The target computer will likewise have to register the.tlb/.dll control. A small example of how to change settings/properties for control of the same type without having to write code for each individual control. Ex: Say you have 5 textbox controls and you want them all to be cleared. You can do them one by one if you want too. But instead create some simple code to automatically go through all textbox controls and clear the textbox controls text without directly writing code for each Textbox.
This example shows how to do that and will save lots of coding/time. This example shows how to Clear All Textboxes Text and to Checkmark all Checkbox controls on the form. A example of using Fusion which is a VB 2005 comclass wrapper that gives Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 basic Ping capabilities. The wrapper contains 2x Functions available to VB 5/6, one that Pings a Network Address and Returns True or False depending on whether the Ping got a reply from the url. The other function is similar to the first except it will return the time it took to get the reply from the url (RoundTripTime). This project includes a Bin directory with the.TLB and.DLL.net files. The source code to the Fusion Wrapper is located under the Visual Basic.NET - Controls sections.
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The.NETFramework needs to be installed on the target computer for Fusion to work. Note: I forgot to mention that you will need to compile the VB 2005 project which will register the control as a COM object and then add a reference to its TLB file or Register the TLB File in the Registry. The target computer will likewise have to register the.tlb/.dll control. A example of using the timeGetTime API function to time Visual Basic code. It also uses the timeBeginPeriod and timeEndPeriod APIs to specify the resolution to set the counter too. This counter/timer supports up to 1 milli-second resolutions which is Much higher and more accurate compared to the GetTickCount counter. Depending on what you will use the timer for, it may use more resources than the less accurate GetTickCount timer.
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The extent is probably very low, especially if you are not using the timer all that much. This example shows how to get the timers resolution and to see how long it takes to complete some looping based code. This is a basic example of how to get much higher resolution timing using the QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency API calls. This counter supports sub-millisecond resolutions so it is obviously more precise than the getTickCount and timeGetTime API timers. Most of the time this counter/timer will try to use a clock on the computers motherboard which is usually about 3.6mhz.
But sometimes this timer will use the CPUs actual RDTSC Counter which will obviously be even better resolutions. Simply call the QueryPerformanceFrequency api and examine the Byref parameter value to see what the counts are per second to determine which timer is used.
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3579545 tps (ticksPerSecond) is the most likely value. IF a 0 is returned then the computer most likely does NOT support this timer/counter or the API calls parameter is not passed Byref which is what this API requires.
Do NOT pass these 2x QueryPerformance API parameters ByVal (By Value). They will fail if you do. MUST be passed ByRef (By Reference).:).