Tacfit Commando Program
Posted : admin On 29.08.2019The complete TACFIT Commando training system download in PDF & video format. Feel free to share Scott B.
I've completed the program and the results are NOT what I expected. Does the TACFIT Commando program work? Get a full Tacfit Commando review here. TACFIT Commando is a challenging, bodyweight training program that integrates a broad range of workout, diet, and lifestyle training methods into one comprehensive. I start Scott Sonnon's RMAX 84 day TACFIT Commando program tomorrow morning, and wondering if anyone on here has done any of them before?
Sonnon’s program with your friends on Facebook. The main task of the special forces instructors is to put an officer in the most difficult conditions that soldier can handle during the fight and hone the ability to survive and fight until last breath. That is why the training of special forces around the world looks like a torture, not a workout. But if it is hard to learn during the training, then it will be easy in a fight! Did you ever think about the level of physical condition of army officers and special forces troops?
This information you can find on this page. By the way, there is a unique TACFIT Commando system of training by Scott Sonnon. With this, you can easily pass any test of endurance.
USA The test is conducted to evaluate the endurance of soldiers and consists of push-ups, crunches and run 3.2 km. The standards vary depending on the age and sex of the soldiers. Great Britain Men: 44 push-ups, 50 crunches (2 for every exercise), and run 2,5 km in 14.5 min maximum. Australia To get into the armed forces, it is necessary to pass a physical training consisting of 15 push-ups, 45 twists and multi stage shuttle run. In general, the recruits must run 1.12 km in 6.5 minutes.
They have different standards for air, land and sea forces. Singapore In Singapore’s army individual test is conducted from push-ups, crunches and 2.4 km run. But instead of standard regulations here recruits awarding points according to special scheme (depending on the age, gender, number of repetitions, etc.). From Government bring new rules and the results are divided into 5 categories. 61 points and more: it is the minimum for the soldier on active duty and norms for “promising” recruit 75 points and more: “Silver winner” 85 points and more: “Golden winner” 90 and more: the level of commandos and the guardsmen How does it work? For example, to become a member of the Special Forces, a 25-year-old Singapore man should make 58 push-ups, 58 crunches and run 2.4 km within 10.5 min – 90 points total. The system is very adjustable, for example you are not good in running, but you can do crunches and push-ups – then you can earn maximum points on these exercises, and less on running.
Russia The minimum requirements for the recruits you can find on an official Russian Ministry of Defense website. Russian Special Forces checking 3 physical qualities: strength, speed and endurance.
The recruit under the contract can choose one exercise for each of them. Strength: men under 30 years should do 45 push-ups or 10 pull-ups; women under 25 years old should do 12 push-ups or 25 abs workouts(bending trunk forward). Speed: running 60 m within 9,8 sec, (12,9 for women) or 100 m within 15,1 sec (19,5 sec for women), or go through the shuttle run test 10×10 m within 28,5 sec (38 sec). Endurance: men running 3 km within 14.30 min. Or 1 km in 4.20 min., or ski race 5 kilometers in 28 minutes.
Women only run 1 km in 5.20 minutes. Start training today! More than that, now at least you have one system for the training of strength and endurance which you already downloaded via the link on this page.
Who else wants an in-depth, behind the scenes, fast track education to getting the High Performance Physique of a Special Forces Commando? Scott Sonnon is the author of Tacfit Commando and he is one of the world’s top Special Forces trainers.
I’m not going to talk more about his credentials because you can read about all of the testimonials on his site. It ranges from a Israeli Counter-Terrorism Units, to Navy Seal Officers to US Army and Air Force Special Operatives and etc In Tacfit Commando, you will learn training methods that Seals, Marines, and Professional fighters, Olympic Athletes are using Right Now to stay combat ready and mission ready. About The Program It is not about getting ‘show muscles’ like. This is a premium bodyweight program that helps you get a High Performance Physique. Here is what I mean: The people that Scott trains need to be agile, fast, strong and also have explosive power. The 2 keys to building these qualities is increasing your Stored Elastic Energy and Sequential Summation of Forces. Stored Elastic Energy is the ability to absorb and redirect force.
Tacfit Basalt
This is essential when you want to change direction during a movement, dive, climb, jump at odd angles, have great balance and muscle endurance. This is what creates fast, agile movements and it also helps your body redirect the force from collisions. Sequential Summation of Forces is what produces an explosive power. This is something that Bruce Lee called the “Snap” of a strike.
It is the difference of being hit by a metal bat or being whipped by a metal chain with a steel ball attached. The whip of a chain with a steel ball attached will have a lot more devastating power. Traditional training methods fail to develop these 2 crucial factors.
This video has been made with Fair Use in mind and has been created as an educational piece of media.
Which makes this program so unique. This is about becoming ‘fit’ to physically perform or becoming ‘tactically fit’, not being ‘fit’ tolook good. My Experience With The Program This program was tough. However, I’m very glad that I toughed it out and completed the program from start to finish.
I have more stamina, I’m more flexible and agile. My joints have more mobility and they feel a lot better over all.
I also look better. I noticed new muscle developments in different places. For example, different parts of my abs, triceps and shoulders got more developed/defined. Once I went back to the gym and started lifting weights again, I was able to get past my previous plateaus on major lifts. I think I will go through this program at least once a year from now on. If you’re not into lifting weights, stick with this program and you will see some tremendous results. Especially if you’re into stuff like parkour or anything that requires strength, dexterity and agility.
What I Liked About The Program: This entire program is designed to be performed anytime, anywhere with absolutely no equipment. It only takes 20 minutes per session, but it is very intense. Every exercise has a video demonstration by Scott Sonnon himself and every workout has been planned for you. All you need to do is follow along. What is very interesting about this program that anyone can perform the exercises. There are 3 levels that can turn the sessions from challenging to extremely intense. You will not be overtrained.
The entire program is designed to help professionals stay in peak form while remaining injury proof, pain free and operational whenever they need to be. The program also pays for itself. For the time you’re doing this program, you won’t be needing a gym membership. To download the program now.