Program To Design A Calculator In Java
Posted : admin On 19.08.2019@fd thanx a lot for this.honestly, it took me half a day to actually understand the code.since i said i am beginner in java. And was not aware of a few concepts like stringbuffers, wrapper classes and swing.i have used awt instead.but the point is your code's logic and my code's logic is nearly same. Save the 1st operand.remember the operator match the operator.with the entered one.and perform corresponding operation.but in my case my code does'nt remember the operator.hence it does not perform any operation.i went through both the codes several times but i can't figure my mistake – Apr 26 '13 at 17:18.
Here is the source for the simple calculator shown at the left. It's divided into two source files. Main and GUI ( - This is implemented as a subclass of. How can I create a simple calculator with GUI in Java. So I got this project to create a calculator in Java using. How do I make a GUI for a Java program? Here are the steps to create a simple calculator using HTML and JavaScript which can. Steps to create a Simple. 5 years of experience in software.
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You are not modifying the behavior of JFrame so why would you extend it? It is a 'common' mistake with Swing. You should remove your extends JFrame for a private JFrame field in your class. This will change almost nothing to your code since all would do is instead of calling add directly, you will call it on your field. What will change is your will not be tie to JFrame so much.
Waht if you want a JDialog instead of a JFrame? Having a field will make this change easier. (In your case, you will need a JFrame but it could not always be the case). There is something I like about your code, no absolute position!
Make A Calculator In Java
You don't know how much this is valuable to maintain a GUI! I deal with GUI with absolute position, and it's just horrible!
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Keep it that way. Use the Layout you need, don't be too restrictive in your design and NEVER (well not never) position your components in an absolute way. Personally, I don't like when you mention the name of the class in a variable: private JTextField resultJText; If you ever change your class, oops you need to change your variable name or it will be inconsistent! You could go for resultText or simply result but you really don't need to mention that it's a JTextField.