Microsoft Access Login Form Example

Posted : admin On 01.09.2019
  1. Microsoft Forms
  2. Create Logins For Access

I am trying to create a login for my Access db, but I can't get it to work. Here is my code (keep in mind 'Preparer' is the name of the table holding username and. 51+ Microsoft Access Templates – Free Samples, Examples. There are MS Access Login Form templates. For example, when you are using microsoft access. Aug 21, 2014 I would like to make my Access 2010 database available for several people to use. Each should have a login user ID and password and once logged in successfully should.

How to Create Login Form for MS Access Before creating a Login Form, you need to set up a table that can verify the login ID and password on the Login Form. The step of creating Login Form can be followed below: 1. Create a table tblSecurityLevel with a SecurityID and SecurityLevel field and add Admin for SecurityID =1 and User for SecurityID =2 2. Create a table tblWorker with a LoginID, Password and UserType fields. On my database, I setup a table tblWorker that has a UserType field links to a table tlbSecurityLevel. So the data type of a UserType field is number because it refers to the SecurityID (Autonumber) in the tblSecurityLevel table above.

Microsoft Forms

You can create the UserType field from the Lookup Wizard on the dropdown of Data Type column. Create a Login Form from the Dialog form design.

Then customize the form such as resize, change caption or name form. Input two text boxes in the Login Form as txtUserName with label Login ID and txtPassword with label Password 5. Driver ralink rt2561 para xp.

Under On Click Event of the Cancel button, add the Embadded Macro with a QuitAccess command to exit the program or Access application 6. Under On Click Event of the OK button, add the VBA code below under the Event Procedure How the code above works.

Verify if the Login ID and Password both are entered. If not, show a message to enter a Login ID or Password. If both Login ID and Password are entered, then verify with table tblWorker if they match. If matching, then check if the login user has a temp password = “password”, if yes then close Login Form and open form “frmworkerinfo” to change their password. If a password is not “password” then verify if the login user is Admin or User. If is a Admin, then close Login Form and open a Navigation Form. If is a user then close Login Form and open a Navigation Form, but disable the Admin button on the navigation bar (NavigationButton13.Enabled = False) Private Sub Command1Click Dim User As String Dim UserLevel As Integer Dim TempPass As String Dim ID As Integer Dim workerName As String Dim TempLoginID As String If IsNull(Me.txtUserName) Then MsgBox 'Please enter UserName', vbInformation, 'Username requeired' Me.txtUserName.SetFocus.

A little donation is much appreciated. End If End If End Sub 7. Set a Login Form as a display form when open a database program on the Quick Access Option: 8. On the Navigation Form, create two textboxes and name it as txtLogin and txtUser. If the Login ID and password are correct then will open Navigation Form and pass the Login ID to txtLogin and pass workername to txtUser with code below: Forms!Navigation Form!txtLogin = TempLoginID Forms!Navigation Form!txtUser = workerName 9. If you have a first of Navigation Form is refer to the Login Id or User, it will show the Login user right away unless you click on that tab to refresh data.

In this HowTo, I put the BrowseTo command to refresh the first page of Navigation Form because I have a greeting message to the Login user show below: DoCmd.BrowseTo acBrowseToForm, 'frmFirstPage', 'Navigation Form.NavigationSubForm', acFormEdit My Related Video: 1. Post navigation. Thanks for your tutorial. I was looking for a long time a kind of tutorial like this that I can apply to my current projects. Part of my following project is give access to the Navigation Form’s tabs depending on the department were the user belong. We have 4 departments (D,I,T,G,S) and managers can have access to all of them or some of them and the administrator have access to all of them. I’m planning to write the scrip and I just wonder if you can give me some support.


Please let me know if a monetary contribution is required. Regards, DANIEL.


Before you ask i have spents weeks googling this to no avail. I am currently designing a database system for a business in Microsoft Access 2007.

The system works fine but theres some things i need help with to fix. Currently, i have 2 forms; LoginFRM - A form which is a login screen. The code for this box at the moment is If IsNull(Me.Username) Or Me.Username = ' Then MsgBox 'You must enter the username of an active employee.' , vbOKOnly, 'Required Data' Me.Username.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If IsNull(Me.PasswordLookup) Or Me.PasswordLookup = ' Then MsgBox 'You must provide a password.' , vbOKOnly, 'Required Data' Me.PasswordLookup.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Me.PasswordLookup.Value = DLookup('Password', 'UserTBL', 'Username =' & Me.Username & ') If Me.PasswordLookup.Value = Me.PasswordLookup.Value Then DoCmd.OpenForm 'MainMenuFRM' Else MsgBox 'Incorrect Username or Password. Please try again.' , vbOKOnly, 'Please try again' Me.PasswordLookup.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End Sub This checks if null etc, but also checks against fields stored in the UserTBL to see if the user can gain access.

I also have MainMenuFRM, which is a main springboard for all the processes of the database. Basically what i want to do is to ONLY allow a user access to an Admin menu, if there are registered as Admin in the UserTBL (Yes/No) I would be very greatful for any help that anyone has. Thanks Here is a quick outline of the whole process. User /who is not admin/ is displayed with login screen. User enters details and clicks login, gained access to main menu. Clicks admin button on main menu. Is denied access.

I think what you need to do is simpler than you think. Just do an if statement in the form load of the MainMenuFRM that only enables the buttons for admins and set the default so that it's disabled for everyone else. Then only admins can click it. Why don't admins have to login as well?

Just have them login, and set their permissions appropriately after they log in. Set every button on MainMenuFRM to Enabled = no in properties. Private Sub FormLoad '.Admin. If strUserAccess = 'Admin' Then Me.buttonThatTakesYouSomewhere.Enabled = True Me.buttonThatTakesYouSomewhereElse.Enabled = True '.USER. ElseIf strUserAccess = 'User' Then Me.buttonThatTakesUsersSomewhere.Enabled = True Me.buttonThatTakesUsersSomewhereElse.Enabled = True end if end sub Also, for security reasons, make sure you password your code and disable shift override so nobody can break anything. Use a DLookup based on their login name (which you can set as a tempvar on the login screen) to find their access level from the table. Per your second part from the comments.

Access database forms examples

I've never called a temp var in a dlookup, so I can only take a stab at it. You might need to google how to do it correctly if it doesn't work.

It could need more or less quotation marks. Dim strUserAccess as String strUserAccess = DLookup('fieldname', 'tablename', 'UserName=' & TempVars('Username').value & ') if strUserAccess = 'Admin' then.

Create Logins For Access

I may have typoed the Dlookup, and I'm not 100% sure that this will even work, but it should do.