Download Maxis Broadband Modem Hack
Posted : admin On 14.08.2019Mar 12, 2014 How to Hack Your Cable Modem to Increase Download and Upload. How to Hack Your Cable Modem to Increase Download.
Even though you subscribe the 384kbps or 3.6Mbps, it does not guarantee that you will get the maximum speed. Is a website that allows you to check your broadband speed. When you visit Speedtest website, it will locate your location based on your IP address. Then it will display servers that near to you. The recommended server is mark with yellow. You can choose the recommended server or you can choose other server to start the test. The result after I got the HSDPA signal It will start with the download test first and then it runs the upload test.
After both tests are completed, Speedtest will display the result in.gif image which you can use to share on your website or in forum. After I subscribing the Celcom 3G broadband, I always check the connection speed when each time I login.
I just want to know how much speed that I get for that session. But 3, 4 days before, the Celcom 3G broadband got problem in UTM Skudai.
Fibre Coverage
They said that there is a problem with the Celcom transmitter in UTM but it will be fixed this 11th November. Now UTM students can happy with Celcom HSDPA signal But yesterday, I got a phone call from Celcom customerline.
Fixed Wireless Internet
They asked me to test the speed connection and wow! The speed has improved and I got HSDPA signal. Maybe they have upgraded the network in UTM. See the image above. Although I subscribe the 384kbps package, but I can surf faster than 384kbps because my friend said that Celcom gives extra speed access until February 2008. So for those who connect using HSDPA modem, you can surf faster even though you subscribe with 384kbps package.
By: 21:34, Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Pertama sekali aku nak mintak maaf kepada readers blog ni sebab dah lama aku tak update huhuhu. Sibuk sangat sampai tak sempat nak update. Apa pun terima kasih sebab masih setia baca blog aku. Sedar tak sedar page views blog ni dah cecah 1 Juta lebih.wohoooo. Ok kembali pada topik asal, hari ini aku nak ajar korang cara nak unlock broadband. Method ni work untuk semua jenis broadband sama ada maxis, celcom, digi, u mobile, atau apa2 ja jenis broadband.
Download Maxis Broadband
Mula-mula sekali korang perlu tahu nombor IMEI broadband. Cara nya, korang tengok di belakang broadband, atau di dalam broadband.cari IMEI. Kemudian salin IMEI tu dimana2 sebab nak guna nanti. Yang aku buat kotak merah tu code untuk unlock. Kalau yg betul tak dak XXX tu, tpi atas sbb tertentu aq terpaksa censored hehe.
Korang copy code tu, sbb nak guna. Sekarang korang masukkan SIM yang korang nak guna ke dalam boradband. Tapi korang kena guna SIM yang berlainan dari broadband. Contohnya, kalau Broadband Maxis, korang masukkan SIM Celcom. Macam tu la sebaliknya. Lepas tu korang cucuk di laptop, dan buka software broadband tu.
Secara automatik satu popup akan keluar mintak Unlock Code. Korang paste code yang dapat di website tadi, ke dalam kotak popup tu.