Dota Map Installer V6.74c

Posted : admin On 16.09.2019

DotA 6.74c 1.3b AI is the first patch released where all contents from 6.73 and 6.74 were successfully added. What players need to remember prior to using this map? As Icefrog noted on this patch release, Look for AI stuck @fountain or towers.

Also look for duped items in the item builds. If you see a duped item, you have to write '-dbg playerid' to activate the command and save the replay or screenshot for the bugs thread.

Minecraft map installer

HOW to download DotA v6.74c AI 1.3.w3x warcraft 3 map xdj499. Dota แล้วเล่นไม่ได้+map dota+warcraft 3 full.

For example: player 2 gets 2 force staffs, if you see it when it happens just write -dbg 2 in the console and post the screenshot (or the replay when the game finishes). Update: Newer version of ai - is already available. I can't read/speak English, is there any translations? Right now, there are no translations available, but it will be created once the map was confirmed stable. DotA 6.74c 1.3b AI Map Download - English DotA 6.74c 1.3b AI Map Changelogs.

Attempt-fix: Nevermore`s Requiem of Souls no damage. Fixed: Magi keep Unrefined Fireblast after dropping Aghanim`s.

Fixed: Techies don't Detonate after having Scepter. Fixed: Techies walking through creeps' barrage to put mine. Fixed: BoT used to nearby units. Attempt-fix: AI spells against corpses.

Fixed: Extra vision over secret shops fixed. New debug command: -dbg Player ID. Use to filter all messages by player ID. This will also immediately clear all screen messages and display all past record from corresponding player (visible via Single Player or Replay in Log).

Dota Map Installer V6.74c

Max 50 records. Fixed: AI Item duplication in -pm. Fixed: AI buying more than 1 detector item.

Fixed: AI teleporting to nearby units. Fixed: AI building more than 6 luxuries. Fixed: AI leaving BoT in base. Fixed: Visage's Aghanim not recognized as priority 100 (in further development, all new Aghanim will be recognized automatically).

Fixed: AI dropping items which can change state (e.g. Heart, Dagger, Tranquil Boots, Linken, BKB, Bottle, Thread, Basilus, etc.). Fixed: Pipe being used randomly. Fixed: Meepo clones using BoT. Tweaked: Item builds by Green. Added: dodge mech against Sprout.

Fixed: Venge's Nether Swap targetting creeps. Fixed: Fixed Scourge AI going to forbidden lanes specified by -nm -nt -nb.

Fixed: AI ganking enemies in forbidden lanes. Fixed: non-working Linken Sphere. Fixed: final scoreboard icons on player who doesn't select hero. Fixed: AI not using Dragon Tail. New skillbuild for DK. Fixed: teleporation-style battle assist to nearby allies.


Map Installer

Added: anti-item-dupe mech. Attempt: to prevent invisible heroes from breaking invisibility when retreating. Added: Refraction to dodge incoming spells.

Fixed: item system: item charges not replenished properly, anti-dupe potential problem with Bear. Replaced: Destroyer's Jango with Force Staff.

Minor bugfixes on item system. Minor tweak on ganking behaviour. Minor tweak on Storm's ulti mechanism. Pulled AI fountain waypoint backward (nearer to fountain).

Fixed: Gem/Ward/Dust bug. Fixed: dupe bugs for Player 1 and Player 6 in -cm. Tweak: leftmost and rightmost AI movement before leaving base in -cm. Fixed: disabled -swap after first item bought. Before, -swap was disabled when first creep wave spawned and human player could swap with AI already bought items.

Also a minor fix to the official code. The setting time function: time is set now according to firstcreepwavespawned boolean, and not the swaptimerexpired boolean.(last minute fix) Update: Newer version of ai - is already available. DotA 6.74c 1.3b AI Map Download - English.

Advertisement Description: DotA 6.74c LoD is a modified version of IceFrog’s DotA, gives you ability to select your own skillset and play on different game modes. Author: Superwaitsum / IceFrog Filesize: 7.7 MB Language: English Release date: June 30, 2012 For Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne v1.24e and v1.26a File Download: (mirror 1). After downloading the map file, go to Warcraft 3 Maps Download sub-folder and copy/paste it there. The default path of Warcraft 3 TFT is, C: Program Files Warcraft 3.

Map Change Logs: Features:.The following combinations have been unlocked: -Blizzard: Crystal Nova, Smoke Screen, Curse of the Silent, Spirit Form, Avalanche, Shrapnel, Acid Spray, Dream Coil, Torrent, Calldown, Kinetic Field, Sleight of Fist, Overwhelming Odds, Maledict, Earthbind, Weave, Decay, Vacuum, Sticky Napalm, Ice Vortex, Reflection, Soul Catcher, Sun Strike, Nether Blast -Inferno: Split Earth, Light Strike Array, Spin Web, Rain of Chaos.Enabled Moon Glaive, as a buff placer, ranged only skill. The stacking rules of this skill are the same as for Poison Sting.