85 Engineering Installation Squadron

Posted : admin On 27.09.2019
  1. 241st Engineering Installation Squadron
  1. The 38th Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group. The 38th Cyberspace Engineering Installation. AFB, IL and the 85th Engineering Installation Squadron.
  2. Keesler AFB, MS. 81 Civil Engineer Squadron. 85th Engineering & Installation Squadron (85 EIS) Contact Information.

The 85th Engineering Installation Squadron (85 EIS), located at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., deploys and installs communications for Department of.

The 38th Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group (38 CEIG) headquartered at Tinker Air Force Base (AFB), Oklahoma, is the Air Force's premier engineering and installation group - the backbone of the cyberspace domain. The Group boasts five squadrons - the 38th Engineering Squadron (ES), the 38th Contracting Squadron (CONS) and the 38th Operations Support Squadron (OSS) - all at Tinker AFB, Okla., the 38th Cyberspace Readiness Squadron (CYRS) at Scott AFB, IL and the 85th Engineering Installation Squadron (EIS) at Keesler AFB, Miss. Mission Plan, engineer, and deliver a survivable and resilient infrastructure to establish the cyberspace domain and enable the Air Force to conduct net-centric offensive and defensive air, space, and cyberspace operations. Vision Air Force experts delivering a robust, secure, and resilient cyberspace domain supporting Air Force and Joint missions for the National Defense. People Employing over 650 specially skilled civilian and military professionals including the two geographically separated locations, the 38 CEIG provides expert and rapid engineering planning, implementing and installation capabilities delivering the latest cyberspace infrastructure systems and equipment to customers worldwide during both peace and war time conditions.

In addition to engineers, contracting, budget, information technology and program management professionals are the primary skill sets required to execute the Group's mission. Organization The 38 CEIG is part of the 688th Cyberspace Wing (CW) headquartered at Lackland AFB, Texas, under the 24th AF and Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). The Group is organized into five squadrons. The 38 ES provides technical guidance on the development and documentation of the cyberspace infrastructure by translating mission-based requirements into achievable solutions. Cyberspace Integrators (CSIs) provide worldwide systems engineering, technical consultation and implementation to cyberspace communications and infrastructure planning, in collaboration with Air Force, DoD and other government agencies. Special Mission Teams (SMTs) are tasked by the 24 AF to perform missions regarding network and infrastructure operability.

Program Managers in 38 ES oversee the AF Work Plan ensuring the AF cyberspace infrastructure is mission ready. The 85 EIS works closely with CSIs for all bases to provide communications infrastructure installation and engineering services.

The squadron deploys and installs communications for DoD units all over the world. It takes pride in its 50-year heritage of providing the most dependable and highest quality installation and engineering services for the lowest cost to the warfighter. The 85 EIS is 'THE ORGANIC' choice for C4 solutions. 38 CYRS is the USAF premier defensive cyberspace operation unit. They function as the AF lead and DoD-level representative for all provisioning, requirements, budgeting, management and sustainment for the AF's Defense Information Services Network (DISN) and non-DISN Long Haul Communications services and circuits. SCOPE EDGE deploys teams worldwide to conduct cyber readiness assessments, special missions for degraded or failed networks, and cyber protection teams for event-driven response actions to defend the AF Information Network. The squadron provides MAJCOM Common C&I Systems Management support, policy development and subject matter expertise for all IT Asset Management, personal wireless communications systems, and cable and antenna systems.

38 CONS is the preferred contracting squadron for the 24 AF and communications customers world-wide. They provide local telephone (dial-tone) service with over 400 Communication Service Authorizations procured and administered by contracting professionals. They develop, award, and administer contracts to assist 38 CEIG customers with acquisitions to satisfy their base telecommunications and cyberspace infrastructure requirements. 38 CONS supports the Cyberspace mission of the 24 AF by procuring and administering large, complex contracts to assist in the defense of the AF's vast network enabling the 24 AF to tirelessly manage the AF's full spectrum of cyberspace capabilities.

38 OSS is responsible for all areas of personnel management to include employment planning, performance management, and disciplinary issues. They support the war fighter by providing timely and relevant financial management information and oversee the POM process for the Group. Manage O&M as well as customer funds to include AF Work Plan dollars. Government and contractor personnel manage the Cyberspace Infrastructure Planning System (CIPS). This is the AF enterprise tool of choice for tracking telecommunication E&I requirements cradle-to-grave and provides a collaborative environment for jointly managing the cyberspace infrastructure. Information Technology professionals are responsible for a multitude of areas in support of the Group such as Information Assurance, Emission Security, hardware/software management and also frequently called upon to support 38 ES SMTs.

History Although the 38 CEIG at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma traces its origins to the late 1940s, its most direct antecedent was the Ground Electronics Engineering Installation Agency (GEEIA). Formed in June 1958 as a subordinate agency under Air Materiel Command, GEEIA was the Air Forces' first unified engineering and installation organization. The agency's purpose was to provide the Air Force with centralized management of worldwide engineering and installation (E&I) resources. GEEIA was divided into five geographic regions, three in the United States, one in Europe, and the other in the Pacific.


Each region had its own headquarters and several subordinate installation squadrons. This E&I arrangement carried the Air Force into the Vietnam conflict before the Air Force reorganized engineering functions in 1970. Air Staff merged GEEIA into the Air Force Communications Service-later Air Force Communications Command (AFCC)-as the Air Force entered the post-Vietnam era. During the mid-1970s, the communications service tried a short-lived and basically unsuccessful experiment by merging most of its E&I squadrons into existing O&M units. The hybrid organizations created by this experiment-the so-called communications groups (CIGs)-proved unworkable. In 1979, AFCC embarked on extensive reorganization plans that would not only break up the CIGs into their component E&I and O&M segments but also reestablish centralized management of the command's E&I resources.

It took two years for the reorganization to become a reality. On 1 June 1981, AFCC established the Engineering Installation Center (EIC) at Tinker AFB as the single manager for the worldwide engineering and installation mission. Consolidation of project materials into one warehouse at Tinker was effected the next year. On 1 March 1985, the Air Force authorized changing the EIC's name to the Engineering Installation Division (EID), which better reflected its character as a major headquarters with subordinate units. Prompted by the frenetic pace of change and innovation in the electronics industry, the E&I mission underwent another change in 1987. During that year, HQ USAF designated AFCC as one of its three acquisition organizations. Concurrently the EID became one of AFCC's two acquisition divisions.

85 Engineering Installation SquadronSquadron

EID thus enlarged its mission to include procurement of off-the-shelf communications equipment/services and life-cycle support. Another change in the E&I world came about as result of the end of the Cold War and the clamor to redefine the Air Force mission in a rapidly changing world.

On 1 October 1991, the EID reorganized-the major change was the absorption of the software unit, the Command and Control Systems Center-and became the Communications Systems Center (CSC). CSC leaders created a new structure, which accommodated a more effective business-management approach to satisfying the communications-computer requirements of our Air Force and DoD customers. On 1 October 1993, CSC became part of Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) reporting to the Electronic Systems Center (ESC).

The next evolutionary step occurred on 8 November 1994 when the Air Force inactivated CSC and stood-up the 38th Engineering Installation Wing (EIW). On 4 February 2000, 38 EIW was inactivated and E&I responsibilities transferred solely to the 38th Engineering Installation Group (38 EIG) located at Tinker AFB OK. This step marked a major shift in emphasis for E&I from predominantly organic E&I services to predominantly contract services.

241st Engineering Installation Squadron

On 18 August 2009, HQ 38 EIG was relieved of assignment to AFMC and assigned to AFSPC, 24 AF, 688 IOW. Concurrently the organization was re-designated as HQ 38 Cyberspace Engineering Group (CEG). The current organization was established on 6 January 2012 when HQ 38th CEG was re-designated as HQ 38th Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group (38 CEIG) and remained assigned to 688 IOW. The following units were activated at Tinker AFB, OK on 6 January 2012 and assigned to the 38th CEIG: 38th Engineering Squadron, 38th Operations Support Squadron and 38th Contracting Squadron. On 13 September 2013, 688 IOW was re-designated as the 688th Cyberspace Wing, Lackland AFB, TX. (Current as of February 2014).